Complete Business Support

The Crescendo Strategy Roadmap is a unique, fully integrated support system. developed to support innovative & growing businesses.

Covering every stage of business, from Statup Basics to ongoing compliance, as well as Funding and Investor Support - there's something for almost everyone, whether you're looking for $5k to $5M of turnover or funding.

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Financial Setup for Startups

01. Startup Basics

This is the EXACT process we use to help innovative new businesses, just like yours, to set the foundations for their financial processes from DAY 1

Proven Results:

"Crescendo saved me $$$ in setup costs and tax - we set up a company, then Troy got me a huge discount on Xero sfotware and showed me how to use it. I saved hours every month no longer using Excel & the cost of the software is a LOT less than the cost of my time to do things manually". (Actual client feedback).

Common Struggles

Why many new entrepreneurs struggle to set solid foundations for their financial processes:

Software Fatigue

Overwhelmed by expensive and complicated software

The Ostrich

"We're not making enough money to worry about 'that', yet"

But Who?

Don't know who to ask, what to ask, or able to pay a lot of $$$ for support.

Three simple steps that help people just like you set the
foundation for their financial processes

Step 1 - Entity

Ensure that you have the right TYPE of Entity for tax minimisation, protection & growth opportunities

Step 2 - Finances

Discuss the best use of back account(s), payment services and financing options for you and your business needs

Step 3 - Software

Assistance to implement and set up affordable and easy to use financial software that grows as you do

Financial Setup for Startups

02. Crescendo 'Incubator'

This is the EXACT process we use to help innovative businesses, just like yours, to refine their product, develop their business & launch to market with minial time and money.

Proven Results:

"Troy explains some pretty complex things in a way that is really easy to understand and easy to implement, as well as being there to answer any questions along the way".
- (Actual client feedback).

Common Struggles

Why many entrepreneurs struggle to launch their business successfully:


Not sure where to start, who to ask or how to 'launch'


Things don't work out or they take longer to achieve than expected


Limited resources means having to 'bootstrap' and decide how to allocate resources - advice, developers, compliance.

Three simple steps that help people just like you launch
their business quickly and efficiently

Step 1 - Product

Support to develop your product or service - market fit, pricing, MVP

Step 2 - Team

Find and engage the 'right' team - advisers, developers, support staff

Step 3 - Launch

Undertake market research, develop 'Go To Market' Strategy & launch campaigns

Financial Setup for Startups

03. Bookkeeping Compliance

This is the EXACT process we use to help innovative businesses, just like yours, to implement strong compliance processes & utilise management reports to make business decisions without needing extensive accounting training.

Proven Results

"Before Crescendo, I used to think I had a 'pretty good handle' on using Xero & that I could manage everything myself. With Troy's help, I now know how to do most of the day to day processing and then he complete a detailed monthly review, which makes monthly reporting much more insightful & relevant, identifying issues before they become problems, knowing exactly what my key 'metrics' are & making better business decisions. Its a great comfort knowing Troy is there and 'on my side'."

(Actual client feedback).

Common Struggles

Why many entrepreneurs struggle to prepare & understand accurate financial reports:


Nobody has explained how to set up and use software properly


Nobody has explained how to prepare & 'read' financial reports


Reliance on others 'who know better' to do the work, but they 'miss the mark'

Three simple steps to ensure that you get the most out of your
financial system & prepare accurate financial reports

Step 1 - Payroll

As a high risk area for businesses, ensure all Wage and Super payments are calculated correctly and made on time

Step 2 - Compliance

Prepare clear and well structured reports, review and lodge all compliance obligations to the ATO correctly & on time

Step 3 - Support

Monthly & quarterly reviews & reports, providing ongoing support & reassurance on a 'pay for what you need' basis.

Financial Setup for Startups

04. Financial Deep Dive

This is the EXACT process we use to help innovative businesses, just like yours, to optimise their processes & reporting, maximise asset protection, minimise tax & identify funding & investment opportunities.

Proven Results:

"I had been using the same accountant for years because I believed they 'knew my business'. Troy did a very detailed review & report on my financials for the last couple of years & I saw my business in a completely different way. He identified ways to restructure my business to protect my assets in a much better way, found $thousands in overpaid taxes & identified ways to access grants & investment that I wasn't even aware of."
- (Actual client feedback).

Common Struggles

Why many entrepreneurs struggle to get the most out of their relationship with their accountant:

Rising Costs

High accounting costs every year for basic compliance, let alone asking for 'additional advice'

Don't know what you don't know

Not sure what questions to ask, assuming that the accountant will identify issues if they see something

Set & Forget

Business needs can change as the business grows & your financial system should be updated to match your accountant-prepared tax compliance lodgements & reports

Three simple steps to ensure that you get the most out of your
financial system & the relationship with your accountant

Step 1 - Financials

Review report format, internal processes, confirm balances, identify 'anomolies' & risks, provide a detailed report & advice

Step 2 - Structuring

Review structuring, confirm any funding or rebate opporotunities, ensure business records reflect governement details

Step 3 - Support

Ongoing monthly or quarterly support,
reviews, reports, recommendations, advice & compliance to stay 'on track'.

Financial Setup for Startups

05. Crescendo Accelerator

This is the EXACT process we use to help innovative businesses, just like yours, to develop detailed expansion plans & access investment without needing an MBA.

Proven Results:

"Troy is an extremely capable business mentor. He explains complex & sensitive business issues in a caring way that resonates with entrepreneurs, heloing them to understand that there is more to business than just a good idea. Providing detailed templates & then reviewing them when we had completed them was a great way for us to understand the process & also have a 'guiding hand' along the way."

- (Actual client feedback).

Common Struggles

Why many enstrepreneurs struggle to develop and implement refined strategies for 'next level' business growth:


Not sure where to start, 'you don't know what you don't know'


'Googling' budget & business plan templates may not be relevant or sufficient - they're the 'what', rather than the 'how'

Financials & Structures

Financial reporting & structuring requirements are differnt as the business grows

Access ALL of the templates that we have developed over years of
working with businesses just like yours -
the 'DIY' version of our refined strategy development process

Step 1 - Product

Product Development & Marketing Strategy

Step 2 - Analysis

Business Model Canvas &
SWOT / PESTLE Analysis

Step 3 - Reports

Budgets, Cashflows, Gantt Chart,
Reviewed Financials, Pitch Deck

Financial Setup for Startups

06. Strategy Consultation

This is the EXACT process we use to help innovative businesses, just like yours, to develop detailed plans for revenue growth and investment opportunities.

Proven Results:

"Crescendo provided above & beyond mentoring and advice. Troy has extensive knowledge of finance & complex strategy, but the way he explained everything was easy to understand, which is a blessing for any growing business. I'd highly recommend Troy for advice on growing your business. I don't understand how his brain does what it does, the way it does, but I'm glad it does. Using the Crescendo Strategy Process, our business went from $500k p.a. to over $1.2M"

- (Actual client feedback).

Common Struggles

Why many entrepreneurs struggle to clarify & implement complex
growth strategies:


Expecting to need an MBA or that engaging someone with the required knowledge will be far too expensive.

'Not that hard!'

Thinking that 'Googling' document templates & basic information is sufficient - it is for some, but for very few.


Previous advisers made promises & didn't deliver, or delivered but charged exhorbitant amounts.

In addition to intensive strategy sessions, where all advice &
recommendations are delivered 'in the room', you also get;

  • access to all of our detailed templates

  • explanation & assistance to fill in the blanks

  • comprehensive review of all completed templates, and

  • a 'document pack' of the templates professionally prepared, specifically for you and your business.

Step 1 - Product

Product Development, Market Fit, Competitor Analysis, Market Research, Go To Market Strategy

Step 2 - Analysis

Comprehensive review of Business Model Canvas & SWOT / PESTLE Analysis

Step 3 - Reports

Revenue models, 'Break Even Point', Cashflows, Gantt Chart, Return on Investment, Structuring, Exit Strategies

Financial Setup for Startups

07. Grants and Investment - Preparation

Using the Crescendo Funding & Investment Preparation Method, our clients have been approved for $5k - $4M in funding & investment.

The Number 1 reason grant & investment appications are rejected is that they are 'under prepared' - there's some preparation, but not to the level of detail or quality that reviewers expect.

The second reason; not understanding or answering the questions the right way.

We ONLY assist businesses to apply for funding where there is a guarantee or a significant chance of being approved - for 'competitive funding' rounds, our clients have been approved for over 90% of applications.

We NEVER take a commission or 'success fee' for gratn funding support - ALL of our engagements are 'fixed fee' based off the level of complexity & support required in the preparation & application process.

Common Struggles

Why many entrepreneurs struggle to achieve success or don't receive higher amounts of funding & investment:

"It's not that hard"

Not sure where to start, who to ask or how to 'launch'


''I can just fill out the simple templates from Google, its not complicated'


'"We're bootstrapping', so can't afford to pay for help"

Prepare your own documents required to apply for funding &
investment using professional templates, with some support

Step 1 - Documents

We provide templates for businesses to complete, then review prior to submitting

Step 2 - Financials

Preliminary review of financial report
structure & presentation

Step 3 - Source

'Members Only' access to identify
investment & grant opportunities

Financial Setup for Startups

08. Grants and Investment - Applications

Using the Crescendo Funding & Investment Preparation Method, our clients have been approved for $5k - $4M in funding & Investment.

Crescendo is not a Grant Writing firm, We are a strategy & advisory business. We will assist you in the process of;

  • Indentifying applicable opportunities

  • Undertaking a "Financial Deep Dive" and

  • Working with you to ensure the fundamentals of your business are in place before you
    begin your applications.

    The Number One reason grant & investment applications are rejected is that they are 'under prepared' - there's some preparation, but not to the level of detail or quality required that reviewers expect.

    The second reason; not understanding & answering the questions the right way.

    We only assist businesses to apply for funding where there is a guarantee or a significant chance of being approved - for 'competitive funding' rounds, our clients have been approved for over 90% of applications.

    We never take a commission or 'success fee' for grand funding support - all of our engagements are 'fixed fee' based off the level of complexity of the funding sought & the level of support required in the preparation & application process.

Common Struggles

Why most entrepreneurs struggle to achieve greater levels of success in applications for funding & investment:

"It's all online"

Document templates & funding applications are all available online, it can't be that hard

Too hard

'We've applied before & didn't get anywhere, there's no point'.

Show me the money

Navigating where to find funding & investment is difficult

Full support and advice on preparing, reviewing and submitting
high quality, detailed, professional applications

Step 1 - Review

Identify application requirements & review
all current supporting documentation for potential changes

Step 2 - Financials

Conduct comprehensive financial review & make relevant adjustments, provide structuring & IP protection support

Step 3 - Application

Detailed review of application on shared template document & assist in process of actual online lodgement

Financial Setup for Startups

09. Director / CFO

Keeping a project or strategy on track requires as much attention and reporting as the project development and budget process.

Crescendo's AICD qualified director, Troy Schoenfisch, is a compliance accountant, with a background in Audit & Project Management. Troy also has extensive experience in internal controls developed through over 20 years of working as Treasurer & CFO of various Not For Profit entitites.

These elements, in addition to experience in HR, Quality Assurance and Governance, results in ensuring that your organisations' internal processes, strategy, compliance and acquittal processes are all in good hands.

Common Struggles

Why most organisations struggle to maintain their strategy & growth pathways:


Complexity in reporting & staffing & governance issues

"I don't know what I don't know"

Most people went into their busienss to do their 'thing', not compliance & finance & 'people management'


Frustration around ongoing levels of government & industry compliance requirements

Three ways that Troy & Crescendo work with you to maximise
your success & achieve your business goals

Step 1 - Finances

Extensive reviews of organisational fianancial management, advisory services, risk management, budgets & compliance

Step 2 - Projects

Review & report on budget & timeframe milestones, risk management, staff management & outcome compliance

Step 3 - Reports

Preparation & delivery of regular
stakeholder reports & government
compliance requirements

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Let me help you explore where your limit as an entrepreneur is!

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